Palm Sunday

.. what? already??

Interesting footnote to last week: as ever I went 'off piste' from the notes somewhat into a bit of a discussion about Judas, his possible motives, his role in the Passion of Christ. What was interesting was the way people picked up on 'Judas as the good disciples of Jesus' - yet the one who gets it wrong. Is it Judas' extreme fallibility which makes him interesting and attractive to people? I find myself hoping that, on another shore, Judas has the 'restoration conversation' with Jesus which Peter gets after Easter day, on the shore of Lake Galilee... but I digress.

Readings this week:
Luke 19:28-40 and Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
(for observing the procession of the palms)

We will be processing.
There will be palm crosses.
I also have a slightly wacky idea of using branches of a Christmas tree & a cross made from its trunk - something about Jesus overturning expectations, and our willingness to face ridicule as we follow. Also I have some dim idea forming of the joy of Christmas being subverted by the desolation of the cross and yet transformed by the resurrection. Annoyingly, because I'm in 4 churches i can't carry through the idea by decorating the bare cross for Easter Sunday as I know others have done before (the daffs will be out perfectly for that!). I might pass the idea 'baton' to the person who is leading worship in this place next week?


pastor cindy said…
Ruth, I am so embarrassed and SORRY if I am the one who hurt your feelings last week in the RGBP comments. I lost track of the fact that my sense of humor tends to be more on the . . . dark . . . side sometimes. I'm really sorry.
When I read your comment it just resonated so much with so many experiences I've had over 25+ years of ordination where "compromise" meant "do it my way, or else!". I just have to laugh or I'd cry.
But I certainly didn't mean to make YOU the object.
I'm in a call right now where I need to use more of your gentle listening skills. So I'm taking a lesson, and thank you.
Please, extend your generous spirit to me and forgive me.

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