Lent 5

Readings are:

Isaiah 43:16-21
Psalm 126
Philippians 3:4b-14
John 12:1-8

I think as we travel with Jesus through Lent it's only natural to focus on the gospel.
Which means (this week) this lovely story of Mary of Bethany annointing Jesus' feet.
It's a story that seems to have been following me around over the last year or so and we've kept bumping into each other - which means that I almost have too much I could say.
I think I'm most struck by what Mary teaches us of what it means to love Jesus - this almost erotic act of annointing his feet; the importance of focussing on Jesus, not rushing off in service too quickly, listening to what Jesus has to say and learning. In an activist world the idea of adoration and worship and spending time being with Jesus is an important one.


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