Preaching at an Ascension Day service today (Thursday) & will 'tweak' this a bit for Sunday, too...
So is Ascension day important or not?
Unfortunately the “40 days after Easter Sunday” calculation
means that Ascension day is always ‘tucked away’ on a Thursday! - which implies it’s not too important.
But on the other hand the story is so good that Luke tells
it twice – at the end of his gospel and at the beginning of the book of Acts.
OK – so it’s important – but why is it important?
I don’t think its importance lies in the problem of physics
– or maybe it’s geography – that it throws up. The question of what really
happened: especially where did Jesus ‘go’?
The disciples see him ascend into heaven, and are left
gazing up with open mouths.
But we might feel suspicious of the idea that heaven is ‘up
there’. Nikita Krushchev, leader of the Soviet
Union, tried to discredit Christianity by saying of the
first Russian cosmonaut – ‘Gagarin went into space but didn’t find God there’.
Heaven is not simply, physically, beyond the sky – we know now that that’s
space. And if we start asking questions about what’s beyond space we soon bump
into the issue of the relationship between time and space, what’s referred to
as the space time continuum... and I can just feel some of you glazing over.
So let’s not get bogged down in the ‘where’ and ‘how’
questions around the Ascension of Jesus and ask just three questions.
First of all if e agree it’s important - Why is it
important to the disciples?
We see how important witnessing the ascension was by the
reactions that the disciples have.
Luke tells us the disciples saw Jesus go from them and knew
he had gone back to God – and so they worshipped him.
Whatever the physics of where Jesus went, the reality is
that his resurrected body wasn’t to be seen any longer and that the disciples
knew that he had returned to God. This was the final piece of ‘irrefutable
proof’ that Jesus – whom they had followed for three years and then seen die –
was risen and that he was God made flesh. In order to become incarnate he came
to earth from heaven – wherever or whenever that is – and his physical presence
has gone back to heaven.
The ascension convinces the disciples of the divinity of
Jesus, and so they worship Jesus as the Christ – the Son of God. This is an
important moment in their discipleship.
Secondly, What did Jesus do at the ascension?
This is not just a story about Jesus taking his leave of his
disciples. We have heard how Jesus first raised his hands and blessed them.
This is just the end of the resurrection chapter – and the beginning of an
amazing new chapter in the life of the followers of Jesus. Jesus blesses and
commissions his followers – he wants them to continue the work he has begun.
But first he tells them to wait (for the Holy Spirit).
On Easter Sunday he found them waiting to see what the
authorities were going to do next – waiting behind locked doors in fear. Then
they were surprised by the arrival of the risen Jesus. Now they are told to
return to Jerusalem and wait – but this time to wait in joyful expectation –
waiting for arrival of the Holy Spirit, which will drive them out beyond any
locked doors to tell the world the Good news of the love of God.
So at the Ascension the disciples learn about the divinity
of Jesus and Jesus blesses them and tells them to wait for the Spirit to
empower them.
But what difference does the ascension make to us?
Today is so much more then just a chance to remember the
events of the ascension. We, like the first disciples, learn about Christ’s
divinity, and wait, with them for the coming of the Spirit. And maybe our hymns
encourage us to be triumphalist about Jesus, our Lord who soars through the
clouds back to the right hand of the Father.
But more that that, the Ascension shows us that the Jesus
who died and was raised is taking the marks and the pain of crucifixion, still
evident on his resurrected body, back into the heart of God. The ascension
tells us that the crucified, vulnerable, human flesh of Jesus is now received
back as part of the Godhead.
Never again can we tell ourselves that God doesn’t know what
pain is, doesn’t understand, doesn’t feel as we do. Even at the heart of the
beauty of heaven there is a place for the wounds of Christ.
The same Lord who accepted the lowliness of life as a human
being, the same Lord who accepted humiliation and death, the same Lord who was
raised in triumph at Easter, that same Lord takes the pain of our existence and
inhabits, enfolds and transforms it utterly.
And then he promises to come and make us part of the body of
Christ, broken and yet transformed.
So at his invitation our earthly lives may be lifted up to
reach the heights of heaven with him.
Thanks be to God. Amen.