Pentecost sermon notes
We have an ordination of an elder at one of the churches on Sunday and a baptism at one of the others. For each service, the final paragraph will be different according to what the service is for... Pentecost Every year we come round to Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit 50 days after Easter. We have had the usual celebration of the death of Jesus on the cross, his rising from the grave on Easter Sunday, and his ascension back into heaven to the father. Now the Spirit comes down on the disciples, as Jesus promised before he died. No wonder little Patrick, in the Reception class at William Westley, wanted to ask me last week ‘Jesus died and rose and where is he now?’. I would want to add to that question the further question – what relevance does Luke’s account in Acts of the pyrotechnics of the first day of Pentecost – the coming of the Spirit with a great rush of wind and with tongues of fire – what relevance does all this have for us today? Perhaps the answe...