Sunday 13th June

More by chance than design, both churches this week have an all-age/creative service with a baptism.
So recognizing that the congregation is likely to be augmented by people who aren't so used to listening for God's word in the Bible, we're keeping it simple:
Luke 7: 36-38, 48-50
- which is the story of the woman anointing Jesus at the house of Simon the pharisee, but without the story-within-the-story of the one who is forgiven much debt.

We will (at one church at least) have the story presented as a dialogue, with the voices of the narrator and of Jesus.
Then in a short reflection, we will consider how the woman anoints as a sign of the love she has for Jesus - just as in baptism we baptise as a sign of the love God already has for the child (or adult - but as it happens both candidates are children). There is recognition of God with us, love of God for us, and our desire to symbolise that and to act on the love by loving in return.

So I just have to create the dialogue and some prayers of intercession, sort out those reflection thoughts a bit more clearly, and finalise 2 orders of service: and I'd like to do it by tomorrow as on Friday I'm off to a day conference and I'd like to take some time off on Saturday as I'm still suffering from a very busy weekend last weekend.


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