Wedding at Cana

Another well-worn Gospel path this week:
John 2: 1-11

There is important stuff here about this 'sign' of Jesus' identity (particularly as we continue in the season of Epiphany); about the amazing super-abundance of God's grace, which provides gallons and gallons, not just a few bottles of wine; and about a Jesus who embraces human relationships, by attending a wedding, and who endorses human celebration, by providing wine for the party.

But I was struck by reading the UCC in-depth Bible comments (at - which mentions the role of Mary in the story.

What would have happened if Mary had not told Jesus about the need "they have no wine"?

So I think the direction I am taking will be not related to weddings, or to the revelation of Jesus' identity, but to our role as those who pray for others. What's important is not the way the request is worded, but the great abundance of grace Jesus pours out to answer our requests. And yes, we will be singing 'what a friend we have in Jesus'!


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