Notes for Sunday June 14th

Here is just one version of yesterday's sermon!
It was a very exciting day but I must admit I'm very tired today.

June 14th sermon

Our service is full of words and thoughts today – so this sermon will be short. Perhaps it will be like a mustard seed – very small, but effective!

We have heard the Godly Play story of the mustard seed and heard the prophecy about God taking a sapling and growing it into a tree. This shows us the amazing potential of a seed or a cutting. In even the tiniest seed, there is everything needed except water to begin growth – and then as long as the seed is in good rich soil, and the light conditions are right the seedling can grow into a mature plant, ready to set its own seed in the future.

Jesus tells us that God's kingdom is like a seed – it grows in secret, by small amounts and yet everything needed for that growth is already there. Whenever we feel that we are getting nowhere in God's work, we need to remember that we are not responsible for the coming of the kingdom - God has that in hand already - we have to take heart, do our small part, and trust in God, who is the one who brings growth.

Today small but significant things are happening among us – cause for real celebration. We are welcoming Llandre as a new church member and ordaining Marjorie as an elder. These may seem like small things in the great scheme of things - but they are signs of God's kingdom. They show us that God’s Spirit is active among us, stirring new life in us.

We thank God that Llandre and Marjorie have heard God’s call on them. And we might wonder what will happen next - what will be the next signs of God’s work being done among us? It may be there are others here feeling a call to new service in some way – I encourage you to pray about it and talk to me or one of the other elders about it. God’s kingdom is in God’s hands, but we need to be alive to the signs of growth around us.

And it is good that we will also be sharing communion this morning. The amount we will actually eat and drink is tiny, little bigger than a mustard seed, but this is all we need to be fed. This is God's gift of Godself, this is where again we see God’s kingdom among us and where God opens heaven to us.

The kingdom of God is present among us in this bread and wine, in each individual in this church, in every small seed and sign of God's activity. Thanks be to God. Amen.


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