June 14th

Readings this week are:
1 Samuel 15: 34 - 16 (Samuel anoints David): 13 or Ezekiel 17: 22-24 (the people of God is like the top of a cedar tree)
2 Cor 5: 6-10, 14-17
Mark 4: 26-34 (The kingdom of God is like a seed growing in secret: like a mustard seed - a tiny thing which grows into a huge bush.)

I want to focus on the Godly Play story of the mustard seed - which shows us the amazing potential of a seed. God's kingdom grows in secret, by small amounts and yet everything needed for that growth is already there. Whenever we feel that we are getting nowhere in God's work, we need to remember that we are not responsible for the coming of the kingdom - God has that in hand already - we have to take heart, do our small part, and trust in God.

In one church I will be doing an activity with all ages - planting seeds & talking about how they grow.

In the second church we are welcoming a new church member and ordaining an elder. These may seem like small things in the great scheme of things - but they are signs of God's kingdom, We will also be sharing communion - again the amount eaten and drunk is tiny, little bigger than a mustard seed, but this is all we need to be fed: it is God's gift of Godself, and opens heaven to us. The kingdom of God is present among us in that bread and wine, in each individual in the church, in every small seed/sign of God's activity.


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