Notes for Sunday June 28th
Baptism 28/6/09 These might have seemed strange readings for a baptism. Baptisms are wonderfully happy occasions: we are celebrating Joseph & Eloise’s life & the love God has for them. But the very eventful reading from Mark’s gospel seems to be full of illness and death and worry. We needn’t worry too much, though, as the turning points in this story comes with the healing Jesus offers first to the older woman and then to the young girl. The story is rich with similarities and differences. There is a young girl/ an old woman A request for healing from an important man / an attempt to gain healing without being noticed from a very unimportant woman Someone who has suffered 12 years of bleeding and therefore of being considered untouchable & unclean/ 12 years of a privileged life as the daughter of the leader of the synagogue. This is a very complex and beautiful story of healing. And the story is amazingly told – with the tension of one story interrupting the other – you c...