Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
What happens
on Palm Sunday – and what relevance does it have for us?
Let’s go
back a step to the Psalm. Psalms are the first hymn book of the Jewish people.
The psalm
from which we’ve heard today – Psalm 118 – was a hymn which was particularly
used at the Passover. Scholars say that this psalm was used for a dramatic
ceremony at Passover:
A procession
would form outside the temple and praises the Lord with the chorus “his love
endures forever”.
In the bit
our reading missed out, the crowd would have heard a dramatic telling of how God
has always come to the help of his people.
Then there
would have been a dialogue between the leader of the procession outside the
temple and the priests within “open the gates”
- “this is the gate of the Lord” & so on. There would have been
shouts of ‘hosanna’ – Lord, save us - and waving of palm branches in
Then finally
everyone entered the temple and the priests would again invite all the people
to praise the Lord.
This was a Psalm
Jesus would have known, a celebration and a liturgy with which he would have
joined in many times – maybe even every
one of his 30 or so years . Jesus and all his followers would have known that
at Passover this is how the people of God celebrated the promise that the
love of God, which endures forever, is present with his people in his temple in
Jerusalem, and was coming to save his people.
So what
happens on Palm Sunday – which the gospels tell us happens just as Jerusalem is
gearing up for the celebration of Passover?
Jesus enters
the city.
On a donkey
– as the prophet Zechariah says the humble king will enter the city;
From the
mount of Olives – the place where the Messiah – the chosen saviour – was
expected to descend from;
With the
people shouting ‘hosanna!’ as they do in the psalm to celebrate the presence of
And (if you
read the other three gospels instead of Luke) waving palm branches as they head
for the temple.
The message
is not subtle “God is here, God’s Messiah is coming, God is going to save us”.
This is it!
followers have seen him in action – preaching, teaching, healing, forgiving,
performing miracles, long enough – they know this is God’s One and only.
No wonder
the Pharisees ask Jesus to restrain his disciples – if the Romans get a whiff
of this celebration, there is going to be bloodshed – this isn’t the nice, tidy,
usual celebration of Passover – this is a riot against Roman rule – these people
actually believe that God is coming to save them and something is going to
This is not
how an occupied people (as the Jews were) behave – God might one day come, but
in the meantime they had better all keep their heads down or they know what the
Romans will do – the Romans will start crucifying the trouble-makers. That’s what
they have always done when the Jews have tried to rise up.
I wonder
what the followers of Jesus – not just his closest disciples but maybe quite a
large crowd – thought would happen next? We don’t know what they expected –
maybe they were happy just to wait, expectantly, for God to act.
We of course
have the benefit of hindsight.
God was
indeed about to save his people – all his people – the whole world, in fact,
but not by kingly rule of that land, or even by prophetic action leading to
rebellion against the Romans, but the greatest victory of all time was about to
occur as Jesus willingly laid down his life on Good Friday to prove that the
love of God, which he enfleshed, was greater than any power on earth – even the
power of death.
And so today
we wave and wear our palm leaves – but we fashion them into a cross to show
that we celebrate but remember that we do not reach the celebration of Easter
without passing through the passion of Good Friday.
And why are
we hearing all this?
Well, at one
level it’s Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week, so what do you expect?
But at
another level, let’s think about where you are as a church – starting on a
risky, faith-filled, not entirely predictable journey.
For years
you have come here to this place and have celebrated what God has done, keeping
you and saving you. You have known, more or less, what to expect – faithful
worship, service, outreach, and nurture – and (let’s face it) a bit of a
headache with this massive range of buildings.
But suddenly
it is different. God has stirred you up – things are changing, you can’t do
what you have always done but you have to listen to what God’s new plan is.
And I know
it is scary, and I know that sometimes it feels too much like Good Friday - all pain and suffering and difficulty. But
God is here – and God is before you wherever you are meant to be in the future,
and God’s love endures forever and when you cry “lord save us – hosanna” – he
will. There will be celebration and there will be cross and the two are held
together in this palm cross. And there will be new life and hope and
resurrection. This is it! God is coming to save us… at last.
Live through
Good Friday and Holy Saturday, my friends, and Easter’s new dawn will surely
May God
grant you faith and courage and may you see his salvation,
and know the joy of resurrection.
In the name
of the risen Jesus