Where is the sermon? A word of explanation.
Dear far-flung web friends,
I am on sabbatical from May 20-August 20 2015. If you want to read a sermon, you could do what I sometimes do & look back 3 years, when the lectionary readings were the same. Help yourself.
I look forward to re-engaging with God's Word on a regular basis in August - meanwhile I am thinking about the power of words and images and ecumenism, or the work of building unity in Christ.
Sabbatical is a change of pace, but the first three weeks have been pretty amazing for me so far.
I hope you all have a blessed Summer.
I am on sabbatical from May 20-August 20 2015. If you want to read a sermon, you could do what I sometimes do & look back 3 years, when the lectionary readings were the same. Help yourself.
I look forward to re-engaging with God's Word on a regular basis in August - meanwhile I am thinking about the power of words and images and ecumenism, or the work of building unity in Christ.
Sabbatical is a change of pace, but the first three weeks have been pretty amazing for me so far.
I hope you all have a blessed Summer.