Reflection for Churches of Cornwall

Based on Philippians 2; 1-11: for the closing worship of the day to celebrate one year on from the signing of our ecumenical declaration of intent on November 16th, 2014.

We meet here, one year on from the signing of the declaration of Ecumenical Intent for Cornwall & it’s a good time to ask what has been, what is and what shall be.

It’s good, too, to look at Paul’s letter to the Philippians, in which he writes about what has been, what is & what shall be:

Paul says of Christ  -
What has been : He had the nature of God, but emptied himself, gave up all he had, became like a human being.
What is : As a human being was humble, he walked way of obedience – even to death on a cross
What will be :  God raised him to the highest place & gave him the name over every other name.

Then (although it is first in the reading, I think it is as a consequence of their identity as followers of Christ) Paul says of the church in Philippi –
What has been:  Your life in Christ has made you strong, you have fellowship with the Spirit
What is: You should have the same thoughts, share the same love, be humble, look out for one another’s interests
What will be ; Then you will be like Christ.

So what about us today, as Christians of Cornwall ?
What has been: we could tell stories of separation, histories of division and difference
What is: we have shared some stories of where we are walking more closely together, seeking unity: in mission, strategy, theology, learning from each other.
What will be: as we grow together we will become more like Christ, more true to the name we are given of Christ’s body. As we go forward together we will grow more like Christ in our humility, love, service, in our seeking of the will of God the Father.

How will that happen? By following Christ more closely: praying more, being more open to the Spirit, and placing our concern for God\s kingdom above all our human organisations.

So may all that we have been, all that we are and all that we shall be glorify God,


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