Advent 3: Joy?
Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 So now with three candles lit on the Advent ring we have to admit that December the 25 th really is nearly here, and we don’t have much longer to prepare ourselves for Christmas and all that it will bring. Isaiah brings us the promise of the Good News of God’s coming. This will be good news for the oppressed, the broken-hearted, the captive, the prisoner, and those who mourn. Isaiah promises a day of good news for those who long for justice, blessing and joy. Prophesying to people who were probably standing in the ruins of their city, Jerusalem, wondering how they would ever get life back to normal, Isaiah promises that God will come and all will be well. This city will once again be God’s city, this place will once again be God’s place. It might not look like it to the people of God who have returned from exile, but even in the midst of the rubble, God promises he is at work and his messenger is told to declare good news. ...