Advent themes

So.. if I was preaching each Sunday of Advent what would I say?

Week 1, as you have seen, was 'Hope'.

Week 2, I think, will be 'Repent'
taking Philippians 1: 3-11 and Luke 3: 1-18.
I know the lectionary splits John the Baptist's story in two but really, I think we can get too much John the Baptist in the lectionary (he must have a good publicist!).

Week 3 would be 'Rejoice!' Taking Zephaniah 3: 14-20 and then 'borrowing' the Magnificat (Luke 1: 39-45) from next week's lectionary

Then week 4 is 'Prepare' - we're left with Micah 5: 2-5a but to be honest I think we're wall-to-wall carol services by then as we're only 2 days off the great day itself.

In a multi-church situation, such as the one I'm in here, it's hard to maintain a 'series' over a number of weeks, but I wanted to think the season through in my own mind.
Life is getting full of celebrations - but I will try to post sermons/reflections here as they get written.

Happy Christmas, everyone!


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