Reformation Sunday - so what?

This coming Sunday is 'Reformation Sunday', but it seems to me to be a good Reformed principle to look in detail at the set Bible readings for the day.
So my texts will be:
Micah 3: 5-12
Matthew 23: 1-12

I'm very struck by the criticism of "authority" in both Micah & by Jesus in the gospel.

It would be easy to say somehting like 'the Reformation challenged the authorities of that day & won through - thanks be to God. This is what one OT lecturer has called the approach of 'hey Martin (Luther) got it right and so do we!'. (Fred Gaiser, here

I want to preach Reformation but not as a historical 'hoorah' - rather as a challenge to all of us to never forget that we need to keep our eyes on God's gracious working among us.
The Reformed sensibility teaches us that our 'religious' lives are not just what we do in church, but how we treat others in 'the world'.
I hope we can celebrate but also have our hearts set on fire to get out there & live God's way... more to follow - although wouldn't it be interesting to see people's reactions if that was the whole sermon?!


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