Preparation for August 22nd

I'm not used t having so long to prepare - as I'm off again this Sunday & then back on 22nd. But I thought I'd better make a start:

Readings are:
Jeremiah 1:4-10 - 'before I formed you in the womb I knew you' & call of Jeremiah
Hebrews 12:18-29 - a rather impenetrable bit about the worship of God (I think!)
Luke 13:10-17 - the healing on the Sabbath of the woman bent double

So - first thoughts. What keeps us bent & crippled - & how do we allow God to release us? And what is our worship about - hoe does it seem to others.. how do we ofer worship that allows people to meet with God?
That's the trouble with holidays - too much time to think about big questions...


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