Advent Sunday & St Andrew's Day

Yet again these things come together for our four churches.
I think I'll take the St Andrew's readings:
Deuteronomy 30:11-14
Romans 10:8b-18
Matthew 4:18-22

& at the moment I'm thinking along the lines of our responsibility to go into a stressed and anxious world with the good news of the advent hope.
Deuteronomy says 'the word is very near you' - whilst Romans underlines our responsibility to others. As disciples we are also apostles - sent out with good news. Andrew could not have understood quite what it was that Jesus was bringing, but nevertheless wanted others to share in it. I hope that we have seen enough of the joy of Christ's coming to want to share it, too - even if Advent reminds us Jesus' kingdom is not yet fully come...

I think I want to encourage people to watch & pray this Advent and to be bold to enjoy & share Christ.


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