Lent 5

I'm not preaching this week: not tried going away in Lent before but really looking forward to a deep breath before Holy Week.

But readings for this week are:
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Hebrews 5:5-10
John 12:20-33

I'm always fascinated by the story of the Greeks coming to see Jesus - and being told 'the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified'. It seems to me that Jesus is pointing towards a sense that it is not enough to see him as a good teacher or healer - to 'see' Jesus, to really understand and encounter who he is - they (and we) must understand Jesus the one who is crucified and who then rises from death.
The whole of Lent & Easter is about helping us 'see' Jesus - see what he has really done, who he truly is, and accept what it means to be in communion with him, to enter into the new covenant promised by Jeremiah.

Sorry, I won't be elaborating on these thoughts as I'm trying to get ahead on Planning the 9 services of Holy Week.


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