Now I'm not moaning, but...

Below you'll see last week's sermon. I was a bit nervous about taking a political stance on Gaza, but felt I couldn't wriggle out of it. Preach the sermon twice (at a 9.30 & 11 am at two different churches)... nothing. No real reaction at all. Oh well.

On to this week - Proper 1 ( 3 before Lent).
Isaiah 40: 21-31
Mark 1: 29-39

Some nice reassuring words about strength & health from the Lord (in both Isaiah & the gospel).
What I don't want to do is preach an anodyne 'cast your burdens on the Lord' sermon - I think I might try to say something about rhythym, about 'work', about resting & praying & being restored...
Will anyone hear the word of God in what I say? How will I know if they do??


Julyan said…
I hear your (not) moaning, my friend.

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