Christ is born!

Christmas night

I’ve got an uncle who is forever sending me emails of jokes & little quotes & things. I thought this was a wonderful quote from a 7 year old named Bobby:
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."

It’s really tempting to spend a few minutes giving you the talk that goes ‘never mind all the presents & cards & decorations & stuff’ the REAL meaning of Christmas is this – the birth of Jesus.

But the real meaning of Christmas is that God became human, that God takes all the human stuff seriously. God shows us how he feels all of our lives are important – not only spiritual, heavenly airy-fairy bits. God being born in Jesus means that God is earthy, grounded - real.

The real meaning of Christmas is that it is all real – that God comes to us in all the ordinary stuff of life – crying babies, overbooked hotels, cold shepherds, so-called ‘wise’ men who are lost & won’t ask for directions. God comes to all of us & all of this world – in Jesus.

So whether this Christmas you are happy, lonely, filled with regrets, fearful, angry, still getting over that flu bug, or just a bit jaded, listen to the angels’ song ‘peace on earth, goodwill to all people’.

God is with us in all of our Christmases.
Every ordinary place & ordinary person can become part of God’s heaven & filled with God’s love.

I found a lovely prayer for Christmas night, someone called Pat Bennett

This Christmas, Lord,
take a corner of my life and steal in
invade the busyness of my doing
with the quiet of your coming.

This Christmas, Lord,
take a corner of my mind and steal in .
illuminate the darkness of my thinking
with the brightness of your seeing.

This Christmas, Lord,
take a corner of my heart and steal in
infuse the coldness of my loving
with the warmth of your Being.

This Christmas, Lord,
as at Bethlehem’s stable,
come and steal in .
take the unprepared places
of my life and make them fit for your dwelling.

So may we be blessed by the love of God in Christ which comes to us tonight & all our nights and days. Amen


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