The beginning of the story of Moses
This service was a church anniversary, reception of new members and a 'taster' for lego church... Exodus 1:8-14. This might seem a very gloomy reading with which to start our anniversary service, but we’re taking our Old Testament reading in three parts today to help us reflect on the way life can be; the help God sends us; and the way we see God in action. This first part helps us reflect on the way life is, sometimes… Joseph’s life certainly had its ups and downs (even if you just think of the events recounted in the musical version “Joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat”). He was the favourite of the 12 sons, his brothers plotted against him which led to him being sold into slavery in Egypt, he was wrongly accused of attacking Potiphar’s wife and was imprisoned, he managed to gain respect as a prisoner because of his ability to interpret dreams, which led to him being summoned to the Pharoah, made an official in charge of food distribution in a time of famine, so tha...