Easter 2: Thomas believes.
John 20: 19-31; 1 Peter 1: 3-9 In the run up to Christmas 2021 Marks & Spencer hit the headlines with a jumper in their women’s wear range : “Believe”. It became very popular with women ministers. Of course, it’s left to the wearer – and the observer - to decide what you’re being encouraged to believe. It could be ‘believe in Santa Claus’; ‘believe in better times ahead’ (this was 2021, remember..); or for ministers – I guess something like ‘believe in the good news of Christmas’. Whatever we are being encouraged to believe, believing is not just an empty thinking that something is or is not true – believing is stronger than that – it has an element of consequence – I believe ‘and so’. Believing is not just about head knowledge – it involves trust and faith and acting on your belief. You might know that the new manse is on the Merlin’s Lane development in Haverfordwest, and they haven’t quite finished building yet, at the end of the road. This provides m...