The Armour of God
Ephesians 6:10-20 I wonder if any of you have ever worn armour? I have only tried on the odd piece of armour at National Trust houses – balancing a helmet on my head; picking up chain mail – so heavy!; trying to imagine how hard it would be to move with a breastplate on. I’ve more than once come to the conclusion that armour is not for me – I’m very glad I’ve never been required even to wear full armour, let alone to fight. I’m too feeble, probably too cowardly. So I’ve never really been drawn to this passage about putting on the whole armour of God – until this week. I read in a commentary that the author of the letter – who may have been Paul or may have been one of his closest associates - decided to use the image of the armour to sum up the whole of the letter. I decided to read the whole of the letter to the Ephesians and see what it says altogether, and how the image of the armour fits in. In some translations, the passage we heard starts ‘Finally...