'Preparing for the new normal''?
My latest letter for the E Newsletter: Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The church year is now in that strange time between Ascension and Pentecost. Jesus, who was dead, is risen but his resurrection body can no longer be seen. Jesus has returned to God the Father and he has promised his disciples that the Holy Spirit will come and be their comforter and guide… but nothing has changed yet. The disciples know that they cannot follow Jesus in the way they were doing – literally walking in his footsteps - but they haven’t yet worked out what the new way of following Jesus will look like when they walk the way of Jesus Christ as his new body, the church. We, too, are in a strange time, as the COVID19 restrictions on society are loosened somewhat, but the life we knew last year still feels a long way distant, and the future very uncertain. There is a document written to help local churches prepare for the “new normal” – you can find it on the Synod Website ...