Worship for Easter 2
For these worship suggestions this week I have used a Catholic pattern which was introduced by St Ignatius Loyola . Presence God is with us –whether we are together or apart. Pause for a moment and become aware of God with you. Freedom Although we cannot live our ‘normal’ lives, we are free to use this time to draw closer to God. Give thanks to God for this moment of worship. Consciousness Where in the last week have you found hope, mercy or peace? When has life been harder than usual? Thank God that God is with us in these positive times. Ask for God’s strength in the negative times. Word of God John 20:19-31 Conversation This story come almost at the end of John’s gospel, and perhaps is the ‘sign’ of Jesus Christ the Lord which can touch us today, as we continue to be isolated by the Covid19 virus. The disciples are locked away in fear – what changes their lives is the presence of the risen Christ, with his words “Peace be with you”. Jesu...