The story of Naaman.
2 Kings 5:1-14 We heard the story of the healing of Naaman the Syrian. One way of approaching this or any Bible Story is to ask where you see God acting in this story, where you are in the story, and therefore where you might expect to see God working in your life. It is easy to see God acting in this story. Naaman, the commander of the army of Aram – what we would call Syria – is a war hero, but he has leprosy. His wife’s slave-girl tells her mistress that Elisha, the prophet of God, would be able to cure him. Naaman pulls strings and gets the King of Aram to send him to Israel with a huge amount of money and a letter to the King of Israel. The king thinks this is a trap – that the King of Aram is trying to find a reason to pick a fight, after all no-one can cure leprosy ! But Elisha knows that God can cure - even leprosy – even someone who is not from God’s people – even without the prophet of God leaving the house t...