Taking sides – or taking responsibility
Mark 9: 38-50, James 5: 13-20 I don’t know whether you have been following the case in the news this week of the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme High Court. Considerng his nomination, the Senate have heard an accusation from Professor Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh sexually attacked her when they were both teenagers. Many questions surround the case: who is telling the truth ? how can events from decades ago be properly investigated? If Brett Kavangaugh, who is now a judge, did those things so many years ago, does it have a bearing on his fitness to hold office now? I am not going to try to adjudicate – but I did find myself wondering how ‘good’ you have to be to be a judge – for surely none of u is perfect. And I was still wondering about questions of how to be ‘good’ when I read our Bible readings set for today. What a contrast between the two readings we heard! The letter of James seems very positive about how we live together as a co...