Jacob & Esau – God’s grace for the undeserving.
Genesis 25: 19-34 I love the Godly Play story of Abraham because it tells the whole sweep of the story, but also talks about our place in that story. When we’re reading any of the historical stoires of the Old Testament – the Hebrew scriptures, we can read them as accounts which explain for us something of the history of God’s people but they are also stories which help us see what it means for us each to be a part of that people of God. So in reading or hearing the story of Jacob and Esau, we can read it for what it says to us about their walk with God – and what this means for our walk with God. The United Reformed Church has resolved to spend the next few years focusing on “Walking the Way” – asking how we can learn how to follow Jesus more closely and so do God’s will more faithfully in our lives. What do Jacob and Esau have to teach us about this? Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk & writer of 20th century, wrote this: “My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do ...