The road to Emmaus
Short reflection for Synod closing worship Road to Emmaus - ‘Faithfully following Jesus’. I hope you enjoyed the image which accompanied the well-known story of the encounter with Christ on the road to Emmaus. The painting is by a Chinese artist, He Qi, and I think it is beautiful, colourful, and striking. And yet.. the journey those two disciples make is far from a beautiful or easy journey. They are grief-stricken, puzzled, desperately questioning all that has happened. It is Easter Sunday, but they have not yet grasped the Easter message that Christ truly is risen. And so far from a smooth and easy journey, they struggle and stumble along their route, and are constantly falling over their own lack of understanding. I think we get a sense of the difficulty they have in ‘walking the way’ in the language used in telling the story - it is so full of ‘buts’. Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from reco...