Beginning ministry - be like Jesus
John 13:12-15 Romans 12:1-13 The readings we heard – especially from Romans, can seem a bit scary in their demands to Roger & Jacquey and all of us: “ Really love them… Never be lazy… Always be eager”. But we know that we are all only human – so how do we do that and avoid burn out? I have spent this week at a course entitled ‘leading with emotional maturity’ – which aimed to help those of us on it to understand ourselves better and (I quote) ‘become more able to function as the people God has made us to be’. I suppose those of us in Christian leadership need courses like that because we need to check, every now and again, that we are serving God through the church in the way we should, but also getting the balance right and not trying to do too much. But I can save you four days of hard studying and all that expense by summing the course up in one sentence – be more like Jesus. As you came in I hope you got a ‘Be like Bill’ sheet. For th...