The man born blind - Lent 4
This Sunday I am preaching at the closing service for Penhill Church in Swindon. I am using the lectionary readings - Psalm 23 and John 9: 1-17 It is not easy, is it – being gathered here today. Endings are hard – full of questions like ‘what if..?’, ‘what next..?’ ‘where is God in this..”’. In choosing the Bible readings to help us to shape our worship today, I turned deliberately to the lectionary. Sundays come and go but the Revised Common Lectionary marches on – this year Matthew’s gospel is the focus, next year it will be Mark, then Luke, then we go back round. And in Lent & around Easter, John’s gospel gets a look in. Sundays come and go.. but God’s word endures. When we use the common lectionary we are reminded that we are just a small part of the much bigger story of God’s church. Churches come and go – and what is God’s word to us, today? I think the story of the man born blind can help us, here and now, to ask where God is in this ac...