Advent Sunday
Isaiah 2: 1-5 Romans 13: 11-14 Matthew 24: 36-44 For the Dr Who fans it has been an exciting few weeks. Last Saturday was the 50 th anniversary of the first episode of Dr Who. Of the more recent Dr Whos, I have liked David Tennant best: and it was Tennant’s Dr Who who came up with this description of time “People assume that time goes in a straight line, but actually it’s like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey..stuff." Ok – you may not care about Dr Who at all – but as it’s Advent Sunday you’re forced to think about time. We might have been told that Advent Sunday is about getting ready for Christmas: but if that’s all it is, why aren’t our readings a bit more Christmassy? If we are getting ready to celebrate the coming of Christ in a historical event from 2000 years ago – why are our readings looking not back, but forward? On Advent Sunday we think about the coming of our God into the world in Jesus. And that means we think about time, beca...