Easter Sunday: 'They did not believe them ...'
Luke 24: 1-12 I wonder how you feel about the response with which we began our worship: “Christ is risen”, "he is risen indeed, alleluia" ? There’s a mum I know who says to her children, when she doesn't quite believe what they're saying 'really?'. It can be “we’re going on a school trip to the moon!” (“Really?”) or something as simple as “I’ve finished tidying my bedroom”. “Really?”. Sometimes I feel like making that my response to the statement ‘Christ is risen”. “Really?”. If you're not quite sure about the whole resurrection thing this morning you're in good company . The women went to the disciples with the story of everything they had seen and heard... the stone had been rolled away, they’d seen the empty tomb, then there were two men in dazzling clothes, who reminded them of what Jesus had said - that he would rise again – and these 2 angelic creatures had said 'why look for living among dead ?, he is not here he has r...