Palm Sunday
Apologies that there have been no thoughts here - and now no sermon: you could of course look at the one I wrote in April 2009 (same readings!). We have the Bishop coming to lead worship & to preach so my preparation has been of an order of service, getting readers lined up, etc. Also this week we had (for the first time) a 'Quietly into Easter' service - we tried something similar at Christmas for those who had been bereaved, based on 'Blue Christmas' services which I had seen. We had about 35 people come & they seemed to find the simplicity & directness of the service helpful. I feel stupid for never thinking before that the message of Easter is exactly the message you need to hear when someone dies - those present certainly listened very intently. So here's what we did: Quietly into Easter Welcome to this service. Easter is a time of celebrating new birth – but it is also a time of recognising pain and grief. We will reflect quietly tonight...