30th August
So apart form being away from home, trying to sort out a final draft of the wedding sermon & get ready for Sunday (given that Saturday is all mush too exciting!), I'm fairly relaxed this week! here is first draft of Sunday's (baptism) service: 30-8-09 If you stop to think about almost anything you do in life it can seem a bit strange. I spend quite a bit of my leisure time staring at an electrical device which produces a changing patterns of dots on a screen – we call it television: it brings me news reports, amazing scenery, and the everyday goings-on in Albert square, to inform & entertain me. And then there’s church – singing together, listening to a book which is thousands of years old, and perhaps oddest of all – sprinkling water on a baby. Why do we do it? What does God want from us? Well there are people who might say that God wants us to be good. Help old people across the road, remember birthdays, come to church, that sort of thing. These are the sort of people...