
Showing posts from June, 2008

29th June

The four churches are joining St Peter's Duxford for their patronal festival. I will, however be offering a hsort reflection at the Evensong service - if I get time I'll post thoughts here - but maybe I'll give myself the week off?!

Baptism sermon

Our baptism is of Kornel Kiss, whose family now live in Hungary but have links with Whittlesford & Cambridge and wanted to celebrate here with English Godparents! I have wanted to keep the sermon short as there is so much that has to be said at an Anglican baptism! I'm also hoping that even those for whom English is a second language will be able to follow my words. Romans 6: 1b-11 , Matthew 10: 24-39 ‘I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 
For I have come to set a man against his father,
 and a daughter against her mother,
 and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 
and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household.’ These are the words of Jesus so I don’t think we can just ignore them – but I feel rather like the evil fairy god-mother at Sleeping Beauty’s birth – coming not with cheerful words of blessing but with something dark and disturbing. And Paul’s letter to the church at Rome wasn’t much better: 'Do you not know that all of us who have been bapti...

Sunday 22nd June

Romans 6: 1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39. This week at one church we have a baptism - so I think I want to link these readings together with the sort of theme of 'following Jesus - lock stock & barrel'. Baptism is a great celebration of a new life, but is also a radical statement about what life is about & whose we are... more to follow I hope when I've had more time to think. At the other church we have an all-age service: not sure how to convey 'hate your parents' to the younger members?? Might (for once) be naughty & jump out of the lectionary in favour of 'the Good Shepherd' Godly Play story, Psalm 23 & prayers of those in dark places/the valley of the shadow of death. BTW some people have expressed concern that I'm blogging in the middle of the night - this is not so it just seems to attach the wrong time to my posts! Time now 18.04 - time to eat perhaps, but not to sleep!

Coming awful fast!

Well, it's been quite a week as you'll see from the sermon - which I'll post in a moment. I am loving being 'spare granny' to Rose, tho' it brings back bitter-sweet memories of my Eleanor's birth & early weeks. I'll try to be more ahead of myself with postings in the next weeks. Please bear with me! Readings: Genesis 18: 1-15 Matthew 9: 35- 10:8 Father’s Day – Oaks at Mamre I am always wary of preaching about how marvellous it is to have a child. Some of us might know the pain of wanting children and not having them. Some might have very mixed feelings sometimes about any children we have. Some might feel that too much is made of Mothering Sunday – and that Father’s Day is just an invention of the card manufacturers to make more sales. But this week has been incredibly special for me. Grace – who was with me here 2 weeks ago – had her baby daughter on Tuesday night – just 5 days ago – and I had the incredible honour of being present at the birth, a...

Sermon for other service

At the URC tomorrow we're looking at Matthew (9: 9-13 & 18-26). Heres the finished sermon. Sorry there haven't been many 'thoughts' this week, but I've been getting over having some skin removed from my leg (hopefully healthy and no more problems!). Jesus for everyone A Christian poet, Steve Turner has written this poem: How to hide Jesus There are people after Jesus. They have seen the signs. Quick, let’s hide him. Let’s think; carpenter, fisherman’s friend, disturber of religious comfort. Let’s award him a degree in theology, a purple cassock and a position of respect. They’ll never think of looking here. Let’s think; His dialect may betray him, His tongue is of the masses. Let’s teach him Latin and seventeenth century English, they’ll never think of listening in. Let’s think; humble, Man of Sorrows, nowhere to lay his head. We’ll build a house for him, somewhere away from the poor. We’ll fill it with brass and silence. It’s sure to throw them off. There ar...

Creative church June 8th 2008

This coming Sunday is different at the Parish Church - our monthly 'creative church' service. Here's the plan so far: Theme: God’s promises to Abraham… and us. Introductory worship: in the tower area Call to worship Hymn: 553 ‘To Abraham & Sarah…’ Godly Play story of ‘The great family’ Congregation to be given ‘plan’ of prayer stations (see below)… Closing worship We gather around the world maps in the side chapel to pray together & sing a blessing song together. Prayer stations 1. (In side pews by South door) – praise Watch a series of images & verses on the lap top: depicting different terrains and pathways.. interspersed with verses (not only from Abraham’s story, but reflecting the Trinity) such as ‘I am the Lord your God’ ‘I will be with you always’, ‘I will give you this land’, ‘I will send the Holy Spirit, the comforter, to be with you’. Reflect on times when you have known the presence of God, Father Son & Holy Spirit, with you on your journey throug...